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Moral Realism vs. Anti-Realism

Bourget, D. & Chalmers, D. J. (ms) Philosophers on Philosophy: The PhilPapers 2020 Survey: 1“This site summarizes the results of the 2020 PhilPapers Survey, which surveyed the philosophical views of 1785 English-speaking philosophers from around the world on 100 philosophical questions.

“The 2020 PhilPapers Survey was a follow-up to the 2009 PhilPapers Survey. The 2020 survey increased the number of the questions from 30 to 100 and expanded the target population. It also collected longitudinal information on how philosophers’ views have changed since 2009.” 

Key Definitions:

  • Moral realism holds that moral statements, such as “lying is morally wrong,” describe mind-independent facts about the world. 2David Hume: Moral Philosophy
  • Moral anti-realism denies that moral statements describe mind-independent facts about the world. 3David Hume: Moral Philosophy
Where do you all land on the meta-ethical question of Realism vs Anti-realism? Or in other words, is morality objective or subjective and why?
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