EuMythyphro Dilemma
When I sat down to write this essay, I intended to reason through a question that has troubled me for
When I sat down to write this essay, I intended to reason through a question that has troubled me for
In response to “Moral Realism is a Mirrage” by E.J. In order to assert “[t]here is no metaphysical directive from
Bourget, D. & Chalmers, D. J. (ms) Philosophers on Philosophy: The PhilPapers 2020 Survey: Key Definitions: Moral realism holds that moral statements, such as “lying
I am a moral realist. Despite the name and the poll in the opening prompt, most people I encountered in my undergraduate and postgraduate education would
In response to “Moral Realism is a Mirrage” by E.J. In order to assert “[t]here is no metaphysical directive from nature that [such and such]
Polemic point guard Kyrie Irving has again made headlines by tweeting an Amazon Prime Video link to the Ronald Dalton movie “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake up
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